Hello!! :D
For celebrating that I now have - thanks to you ^^ - over 300 subscribers, I will open up a competition that give YOU the chance to decide what my next story video will be about! If you would like to decide the manuscript for my next movie, read carefully now.
You shall send your entry to me. I will choose the one that I like most, that I think can be a good video or just if I like the story most. The entry that win, I will make to a movie and upload to my youtube chanel.
You will use the "Quick mail" (In Swedish: Snabb mejlen") to submit your entry. You can use your SSO name, your Youtube chanel name or a nickname if you don't want to take your real name, but just so I have a name if YOU are the lucky one to win! In your entry you have to write your name, your email and of course the manuscript.
This is how a entry can look like:
Have in mind:
- Your entry have to be able to record in SSO! For example, you can't write: "...and then her horse went down on his knees and bowed..." because, you can't make the horse bow in SSO.
- You can write the entry in Swedish or English. Not in Spanish, not in French or some other languages, just Swedish or English.
- The name on the entry must be in English.
- Me or one of my horses will be the main character of the story.
- You can write in whatever form you would prefer, a manuscript, a short story... It doesn't matter! Just have in mind that the entry can't be too long. It isn't a long movie I'm about to do, no it will be a clip that is about 3-5 minutes. That's why you can't write: "Day 1 that happens . Day 2 that person comes . Day 3 her horse will disappear..."
- It has to be short and with clearly message and action!
One tip is that you try to have as little dialog as possibly. You should be able to understand the story even though you don't have any explaining text or dialogs.
Another tip is that you write about dramatic and sad stories. because, quite frankly, that's what I make the best films of. I find it diffecult to make "Oh-I-Love-my-love-muffin-horse-for-ever-and-ever" as a good film... I make better stories if there is some drama and action. Don't know why, but that's how it is c;
The last tip is to watch other story movies to get inspiration on YouTube. For example my "Mining Ponies" or "D3NISSE". I know she makes The Sims 3 videos, but there is very god stories and it's similar what I would prefer the Winning Video to be like. That means, without dialogs and explaining texts in the film. Let the movie talk for itself! ;D
At last, listen to music to find inspiration. If you write a script that is based on a song, just write the name on that song so I can have it in the video c;
if you have any questions about this, or if something is unclear, you can leave a comment, talk to me in the game or send a email to: JennyNightforest@gmail.com
THE TIMES RUNS OUT 2014-05-01!!
Entries that arrive after that time will disqualified.
If there is any problem, send an email to me as soon as possible! On SSO or my email.
Good luck and my the best writer win!! :D
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